Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lone Peak Weekend

It's a rare occasion when I get to hike in front of Jesse. He has about a foot on me and uses every inch of his stride to make forward progress. But this Saturday he was seriously hung over, so I got to go in front. Well for about two hours of the day anyway. We hiked up to Lone Peak, climbed the Center Thumb and the Gold Wall, slept like rocks, got up and climbed the Lowe Route and Vertical Overhangs, and then hiked out. Weather always looked like it was going to turn to complete shit and somehow never did. My knees were jacked on the hike out again, but not nearly as bad as they were the last time. The weekend was a ton of Type-1 fun with a bit of Type-2 fun and just a sprinkle of Type-3 fun. Not a bad mix.

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