Friday, June 17, 2011


Last year several friends of mine and other WAFTA members started construction on what has now become Park City's first legit freeride trail. Unlike the illegal trails of the past, this one has been approved by land managers, so everything that's built will stay built. Most importantly, we don't have to keep it a secret. The plan for Arcylon was to make it a fast, flowy trail that's mellow enough for those just learning to jump a bike but still fun for dialed riders. Basically, it's a place where you can get better. There are still a couple features to go in, but it's basically finished and it's open to the public. I'm extremely impressed with how it came out and the work that went into it. I spent a few days digging on this thing, but some of my friends put in months of work, and it really shows.

This definitely isn't a downhill-bike trail. A good slopestyle rig is way better for this kind of riding but I just had to get the 450 out and see how it felt, so that's what I did. And damn, did I have fun.

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