I've been spending the last several hours trying to think of a better day of skiing than today, but I have come up completely blank. Our group of eight rippers (well, seven rippers and me) started in LCC, skinned up Flagstaff, skied a lap in Day's Fork, then skinned up and skied the Hallway, then skinned up again and skied a shot in Cardiff. At this point, half the crew was shot and skied out while the other half did one more Cardiff lap on another slope. Total for the day was 7800 feet of skiing with around 12 miles of travel. And about every other turn was a full-on over-the-head face shot. Really, how can you beat that?
I've had a chance to review my notes, and, well, that was the best day of the year. Absolutely incredible. Thanks for capturing the day Adam! Love the images!
I've had a chance to review my notes, and, well, that was the best day of the year. Absolutely incredible. Thanks for capturing the day Adam! Love the images!