Saturday, September 17, 2011

Yup, It's Broken

I had surgery on Tuesday and now have two screws holding my right thumb together. I'm told that the recovery will be about 8 weeks, and I get the screws out in about half that. So much for bike season.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Canada Roadtrip: Day 18

Well, it had to end eventually. Jen and I hammered out the 12 hour drive from Tacoma to SLC. But not before another day of chilling on the island and a ferry ride where our captain stopped so we could check out the whales (Narwhal Charlie!). I am really going to miss water, but I won't miss biking or climbing (as soon as I can use my thumb again).

Huge thanks to everyone who gave us a place to sleep and food to eat.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Canada Roadtrip: Day 15

Today was the day to ride at Mt Washington, but I still can't hang onto my handlebars, so Jen rode while I hung out and shot photos of kids hitting the airbag jump. Luckily for Jen, some local groms took her under their wing and showed her around the mountain.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Canada Roadtrip: Day 14

Jen and I got in a much-needed rest day while traveling to Vancouver Island, and since my thumb still doesn't work, we decided to take another rest day today as well. Being from Washington originally, I really miss large bodies of water and big trees, so we spent some time at the beach, some time in the woods, and an afternoon soaking in a river. I really needed this rest day. Unfortunately, my thumb is still jacked.