First race weekend of the year, and I had mixed results. I talked Toni and Alex into racing, and they both kicked my ass, taking over five seconds out of my time. I did, however, accomplish my lifetime DH racing goal of beating Craig. So what if he raced both super D and trail-bike yesterday while I ruthlessly wired the course? I was faster and I'm sticking too it (until he hands me my ass at the next race). Alex also "lost" to PJ by beating him by only 28 seconds (the handycap was 30) and now owes PJ a steak dinner. Utah has a two-run format, where you have a chance to better your time. Alex, Toni and myself were all within a couple tenths of our original times on our second laps. Wild how consistent times can be in a sport with so many variables. Everyone had a kickass time, as usual, and I learned that my cornering and jumping are still sub par. On the other hand, I've been missing climbing these last couple weeks, so we're gonna get back to rock for a big. I'll try at least. Thanks to Misty for taking my camera with her while she walked up to check out the bottom corners and getting a few shots.